VOC and SVOC testing via TO-15, TO-17, GC/MS, LC/MS, and other methods are applied across many fields:
Indoor Air Quality Assessments
Testing indoor air, materials, and dust helps locate VOC/SVOC sources and identify contaminants impacting air quality in homes, offices, schools, and other buildings. Mitigation strategies can then be implemented.
Industrial Hygiene
VOC/SVOC testing is commonly used for occupational exposure monitoring and health hazard evaluation at manufacturing facilities that use paints, adhesives, degreasers, fuels, pesticides, and other chemical products containing volatile and semivolatile organics.
Environmental Site Assessments
Soil, groundwater, ambient air, and soil gas are tested during Phase I and Phase II site assessments to identify VOC/SVOC contamination and sources, often due to petroleum hydrocarbon spills and releases. This helps determine cleanup responsibilities.
Building Materials Testing
The emissions and content of VOCs/SVOCs in building products and furnishings are evaluated via chamber testing and chemical analysis. Low VOC-emitting materials can then be selected to enhance indoor environmental quality.
Consumer Products Testing
Chemical analysis and emissions testing of consumer goods is conducted to evaluate potential VOC/SVOC exposures from products like cleaners, air fresheners, paints, glues, toys, electronics, and clothing.
Contamination Control
VOCs/SVOCs are common contaminants in cleanrooms during electronics and pharmaceutical production. Stringent monitoring and control are required to prevent product contamination. Testing also facilitates healthcare sterility assurance.
Fire Investigation
Ignitable liquids leave VOC residue after fires. Testing fire debris and samples with GC/MS and other methods can provide proof of incendiary accelerant usage suggesting potential arson.
Remediation System Monitoring
Testing air and soil during and after VOC removal by vapor mitigation, dual phase extraction, or bioventing provides data to evaluate remediation system performance and determine if cleanup goals have been achieved.